What is it?
Istrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a massage technique used in physical therapy. Specialized tools or instruments, other than the hands, allow for a more direct and localized approach to help fascilitate change or healing in muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons.
Is it for Me?
If you have soft-tissue pain from an injury, you can benefit from IASTM. Athletes who perform repeated motions daily are predisposed to these types of injuries. Below are a few of the conditions we can treat with IASTM:
Scar tissue build-up from injury or previous surgery
Tendinitis or tendinopathy (Achilles tendinitis, golfer’s elbow, and tennis elbow)
Muscle strains and ligament sprains
Running injuries (plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome, quad and hamstring tightness)